We provide teaching materials and help with church problems to the many small and weak churches that lurk down the back alleys and byways of the enormous metropolis of Lima. We are here in Villa Maria del Triunfo, the other side of the infamous Wall of Shame.
This area is extremely underserved by missionaries. We were at one time planning to move because we had a hard time meeting with other missionaries and Peruvian teachers who wanted to work with us. We always had to travel to somewhere “nice” to meet with them. But God just never seemed to be in that moving plan. Something always prevented it. Now we just figure that if someone can’t come here to meet with us, it probably won’t work out.
And by living here, we have a certain amount of street cred with these churches that need help. This help is mostly in the form of conferences and meetings with leaders to help them deal biblically with thorny issues like church discipline. By God’s grace churches of many different denominations are open to teaching from our team.
For example, here's the story of our relationship with Iglesia Bautista Palabra Fiel (Faithful Word Baptist), one of these churches, showing how this ministry relates to the seminary ministry:
Much prayer is needed for these ministries for 2020:
- We need to make wise decisions as we go ahead with this ministry. We need to be sure that we are helping Peruvian churches be strong and independent. We need the wisdom to decide what will be a boost that will make them grow strong and avoid making them dependent.
- Praise: Paco Laos, a key team member, does not have cancer according to his most recent tests.
- Prayer: Paco does have a tumor and some other problems. He has been going strong in spite of this--he's been nicknamed Rambo by some other team members. Please pray that the doctors can make a good diagnosis and treatment plan for him.
- More Peruvians are interested in teaching in this area and we are working to get them active and doing it!
- Pray for the future plans of Jose Marco as he plans his ministry in 2020.
- Pray for transportation needs: money for the trips and safety for the teachers as they go to remote locations.
- Pray for God's blessing and that we all glorify Him above all things.
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